Mastodon Stefan Herheim,/Salzburg Meistersinger To Get DVD Release In 2014 - The Wagnerian

Stefan Herheim,/Salzburg Meistersinger To Get DVD Release In 2014

Written By The Wagnerian on Tuesday 12 November 2013 | 7:55:00 am

In a rather unusual turn of events - at least in regard to productions of Wagner's work - it seems everyone liked the Stefan Herheim directed Salzburg Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. So we assume most will be pleased to know that it will receive a confirmed a release on DVD  sometime in 2014 as part of a series called "Festival Documents".

It would thus appear, that Salzburg can do what Bayreuth seems unable - broadcast  a Stefan Herheim production of one of Wagner's works and then get agreement to release it on DVD.

Trailer below.