Mastodon Isolde Comes Home: Ireland's first Tristan in 49 years. Sept - Oct 2012 - The Wagnerian

Isolde Comes Home: Ireland's first Tristan in 49 years. Sept - Oct 2012

Written By The Wagnerian on Monday, 24 September 2012 | 11:58:00 pm

Its hard to imagine that Tristan has not been performed in Ireland for nearly 50 years - indeed there has been no Wagner performed there since 2001's Der Fliegende Hollaender. It is thus a daring plan for a new opera company to stage this, one of Wagner's most demanding dramas - with an international cast and a performer making her debut as Isolde. But this is what Wide Open Opera will be doing this month and next - although for only three nights. The production is a rival of Yannis Kokko's production first seen with WNO. Having seen this production only a few months ago in the UK I can warmly recommend it - see images below. I have the suspicious feeling this may be one of the last times you may get the chance to see this this particular production. I am reliably informed that some tickets still remain.

If you are from outside of Ireland, a visit to Dublin is always worth while - this production of Tristan only makes it much more so. 

Full details below, plus rehearsal and brief documentary videos

Tristan und Isolde
Wide Open Opera
Bord Gáis Energy Theatre

30 September, 3 October, 6 October 2012

 Tristan: Lars Cleveman
 Isolde: Miriam Murphy
 Brangäne: Imelda Drumm
 Kurwenal: Brett Polegato
 Marke: Manfred Hemm
 Melot: Eugene Ginty
 Junger Seemann: Eamonn Mulhall
 Ein Hirt: Owen Gilhooly
 Ein Steuermann: Gavan Ring
 Conductor: Fergus Sheil
 Director: Yannis Kokkos
 Set Designs: Yannis Kokkos
 Costumes: Yannis Kokkos
 Lighting: Guido Levi

  Wide Open Opera: Tristan and Isolde, Act 1 Scene 3 (excerpt)

In discussion with Peter Watson, Revival Director

And to get  you in the mood one of the greatest Tristan's recorded: : Furtwangler' 1952 "Duet"