A bit late but in case you missed it:
The November 2015 issue (vol.9, no.3), now available, contains the following feature articles:
• 'Wagner's Spatial Style' by Christopher Wintle
• ' "This Round of Songs": Cyclic Coherence in the Wesendonck Lieder' by Malcolm Miller
• 'From Wagner to Boulez: a Modernist Trajectory' by Arnold Whittall
• A report on the reopened Wahnfried and new archives in Bayreuth by Barry Millington
plus reviews of:
the Ring and new Tristan at Bayreuth, the Ring in Vienna, Parsifal in Karlsruhe, Birmingham and Wuppertal,Tristan at Longborough, Die Meistersinger in Mainz, Lohengrin in Pforzheim and Tannhäuser in Tallinn
the new Overture Opera Guide to Die Meistersinger, ed. Gary Kahn, Mark Berry's After Wagner: Histories of Modernist Music Drama from 'Parsifal' to Nono, and Matthew Bribitzer-Stull's Understanding the Leitmotif: From Wagner to Hollywood Film Music
More at: The Wagner Journal
De pioneros injustamente olvidados en la NWS
En el marco de la fascinante celebración anual que la New World Symphony
presenta como “I Dream a World” – centrada en la “Harlem Renaissance” – el
13 hours ago