No one does a put down like Nietzsche: Also, in HTML, and EPUB. Click the link to download - or in the case of the HTML file read online.
"Already in the summer of 1876, when the first festival at Bayreuth was at its height, I took leave of Wagner in my soul. I cannot endure anything double-faced. Since Wagner had returned to Germany, he had condescended step by step to everything that I despise—even to anti-Semitism.… As a matter of fact, it was then high time to bid him farewell: but the proof of this came only too soon." How I Got Rid Of Wagner.
"We are witnessing the death agony of the last Art: Bayreuth has convinced me of" this. FN
"He who wakes us always wounds us". FN
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Sighs Too Deep For Words
Friday evening at Heliconian Hall saw the second of two performances of
Confluence Concerts’ Sighs Too Deep For Words: A Canadian Valentine. It
was an all...
9 hours ago