
Friday, 13 February 2015

In Performance: Tristan Und Isolde - 2015

Only productions that have announced their principal casts have been included. As always, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any listing and recommend that you check with the box office before making any booking

Only productions that have at least announced their principle casts have been included. As always, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any listing and recommend that you check with the box office before booking. We will attempt to add video and photos as time allows.  If you believe we have missed a production - and we have no doubt that that is the case -  please get in touch and let us know: where, when and who. - See more at:
Staatstheater Nürnberg

1, 8, 22 February, 8, 22 March 2015

Tristan - Vincent Wolfsteiner / Tilmann Unger
Isolde - Claudia Iten
König Marke - Pavel Shmulevich / Woong-Jo Choi
Kurwenal - Jochen Kupfer
Melot - Hans Kittelmann
Brangäne - Roswitha Christina Müller
Ein Hirt - Kwonsoo Jeon
Ein Steuermann - Sébastien Parotte / Daniel Dropulja
Ein Junger Seemann - Kwonsoo Jeon

Conductor: Markus Bosch
Director: Monique Wagemakers
Set Designs: Dirk Becker
Costumes: Gabriele Heimann


Teatro di San Carlo

Wagner: Tristan und Isolde


22, 25, 28 February, 3, 5 March 2015

Tristan - Torsten Kerl
Isolde - Violeta Urmana
König Marke - Stephen Milling
Kurwenal - Jukka Rasilainen
Melot - Alfredo Nigro
Brangäne - Lioba Braun

Conductor: Zubin Mehta
Director: Lluis Pasqual
Set Designs: Ezio Frigerio
Costumes: Franca Squarcipiano


Opéra national du Rhin
New production

18, 21, 24, 30 March, 2, 17, 19(m) April 2015 (Strasbourg & Mulhouse)

Tristan - Ian Storey
Isolde - Melanie Diener
König Marke - Attila Jun
Kurwenal - Raimund Nolte
Melot - Gijs Van der Linden
Brangäne - Michelle Breedt
Ein Hirt - Sunggoo Lee
Ein Junger Seemann - Sunggoo Lee

Conductor: Axel Kober
Director: Antony McDonald
Set Designs: Antony McDonald
Costumes: Antony McDonald


The Royal Swedish Opera


24, 27, 30 March, 2 April 2015

Tristan - Michael Weinius / Niklas Björling Rygert
Isolde - Emma Vetter
König Marke - Lennart Forsen
Kurwenal - Johan Edholm
Melot - Magnus Kyhle
Brangäne - Katarina Dalayman
Ein Hirt - Niklas Björling Rygert
Ein Steuermann - John Erik Eleby

Conductor: Lawrence Rennes
Director:Hans-Peter Lehmann
Set Designs: Olaf Zombeck
Costumes: Olaf Zombeck
Lighting: Linus Fellbom


Opéra national de Bordeaux
New production

26, 29(m) March, 1, 4, 7 April 2015

Tristan - Christian Voigt
Isolde - Alwyn Mellor
König Marke - Nicolas Courjal
Kurwenal - Brett Polegato
Melot - Guillaume Antoine
Brangäne - Janina Baechle
Ein Hirt - Simon Bode
Ein Steuermann - Jean-Marc Bonicel
Ein Junger Seemann - Simon Bode

Conductor:Paul Daniel
Director: Giuseppe Frigeni
Set Designs: Giuseppe Frigeni
Costumes: Lili Kendaka
Lighting: Giuseppe Frigeni


Longborough Festival Opera
New production

12, 16, 18, 20 June 2015

Tristan - Peter Wedd / Neal Cooper
Isolde - Rachel Nicholls / Lee Bisset
König Marke - Frode Olsen
Kurwenal - Andrew Slater / Stuart Pendred
Melot - Ben Thapa / Stephen Rooke
Brangäne - Catherine Carby / Harriet Williams
Ein Hirt - Stephen Rooke / Edward Hughes
Ein Steuermann - Thomas Colwell
Ein Junger Seemann - Edward Hughes

Conductor: Anthony Negus
Director: Carmen Jakobi
Set Designs: Kimie Nakano
Costumes: Kimie Nakano
Lighting: Ben Ormerod


Munich Opera Festival

8, 12 July 2015

Tristan - Peter Seiffert
Isolde - Waltruad Meier
König Marke - René Pape
Kurwenal - Alan Held
Melot - Francesco Petrozzi
Brangäne - Elisabeth Kulman
Ein Hirt - Kevin Conners
Ein Steuermann - Christian Rieger
Ein Junger Seemann - Dean Power

Conductor: Philippe Jordan
Director: Peter Konwitschny
Set Designs: Johannes Leiacker
Costumes: Johannes Leiacker
Lighting: Michael Bauer


Tiroler Festspiele Erl

10, 18 July 2015

Tristan - Michael Baba / Gianluca Zampieri
Isolde - Bettine Kampp / Mona Somm / Nancy Weissbach
König Marke - Franz Hawlata / Jens Waldig
Kurwenal - Frederik Baldus / Michael Mrosek
Melot - George Humphrey / Wolfram Wittekind
Brangäne - Hemine Haselböck / Rita Lucia Schneider
Ein Hirt - Ulfried Haselsteiner / Markus Herzog
Ein Steuermann - Frederik Baldus / James Roser
Ein Junger Seemann - Giorgio Valenta / Wolfram Wittekind

Conductor: Gustav Kuhn
Director: Gustav Kuhn
Set Designs: Ina Reuter
Costumes: Lenka Radecky
Lighting: Gustav Kuhn


Bayreuth Festival
New production


25 July, 2, 7, 13, 18, 23 August 2015

Tristan - Stephen Gould
Isolde - Anja Kampe

Conductor: Christian Thielemann
Director: Katharina Wagner
Set Designs: Frank Philipp Schlößmann / Matthias Lippert
Costumes: Thomas Kaiser
Lighting: Reinhard Traub