
Friday 20 September 2013

Sir John Tomlinson Makes Debut With WNO

Following the tragic death of Richard Angas in August this year, it has been announced that Sir John Tomlinson will now be singing the role of Moses in WNO’s Moses und Aron in summer 2014.

This is the first time Sir John has sung with the Company and he will be performing the role in Cardiff, Birmingham and London.

New Production
Moses und Aron - Schoenberg

First night: 24 May 2014 at 8pm at Wales Millennium Centre

Sung in German with surtitles in English (and Welsh in Cardiff)

Aron: Rainer Trost

Moses: Sir John Tomlinson

A Young Maiden/First Naked Virgin: Elizabeth Atherton

Another Man/Ephraimite: Daniel Grice

A Young Man: Alexander Sprague

A Priest TBC

Conductor Lothar Koenigs

Directors Jossi Wieler and Sergio Morabito

Designer Anna Viebrock

Original Lighting Designer Michael Alber

Production originated at Stuttgart Opera