
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Listen Now: Parsifal recorded. 1925-28 - Widdop, Radford, Heming, Baker

Fascinating! And rather good sound considering. Partly sung in English - read description.

Sung in English (1-6, 9 - recorded 1925) and German (7-8 - recorded 1927/8). From the database at; HMV D 1025-1031 and 1651-1652.

Act I:
1. Prelude
2. Gurnemanz reproaches Parsifal for slaying the swan
3. Gurnemanz leads Parsifal to Monsalvat; the Knights of the Grail assemble
4. Amfortas' lament
5. Grail Scene

Act II:
6. Klingsor's Magic Garden and the Flower Maidens` Scene
7. Kundry`s Herzeliede (Heart`s suffering) ``Ich sah das Kind``
8. Kundry describes the curse laid upon her ``Seit Ewigkeiten harre ich Deiner``

Act III:
9. Good Friday music

Parsifal: Walter Widdop
Gurnemanz: Robert Radford
Kundry: Göta Ljungberg
Amfortas: Percy Heming
Titurel: George Baker

Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Albert Coates