
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Listen Now: BBC Symphony Orchestra: Beginning of new Sibelius symphony cycle plus Bax & Saariaho


As those who follow my inane ramblings over at Twitter maybe aware, I was recently debating over which Sibelius cycle to add to a few I already own - I ended up with wonderfully idiosyncratic Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra under Leif Segerstam cycle, which I would highly recommend (I found the Finlandia from this cycle on youtube and present it for your attention below as a sampler).

Now, by one of those happy coincidences that happen occasionally,  I find  the ever wonderful BBC Symphony Orchestra, under another Finnish conductor:  Sakari Oramo, have begun a full Sibelius symphony cycle and that it is available to listen to - on demand - for free for the next 7 days from the BBC and is found in a program that includes both Saariaho and Bax! For more information visit the BBC page here or to listen to the program while here click this link which will bring up a popup player

EDIT: You also have four days left to hear the BBC SO under Neeme Jarvi, perform Korvits, Sibelius, Klami, Schubert. Get it while you can here

From the BBC:

Live from the Barbican Centre, London.

Presented by Louise Fryer.

The distinguished Finnish conductor Sakari Oramo joins the BBC Symphony Orchestra to launch their Sibelius Symphony Cycle with his Third - over the next eight months, all seven of the Symphonies will be performed in a series of concerts broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

This opening concert is steeped in Finnish nature and mysticism. The Third Symphony was one of the first works to be composed in the serenity of Sibelius's lake-side home, Ainola, and features a lyrically beautiful chamber-like second movement. Anu Komsi is the soloist for Kaija Saariaho's evocation of Finland's snowy nights and fleeting springtime and for Sibelius's hymn to the all-creating nature-spirit, Luonnotar. The concert kicks off with Bax's evocation of Atlantic storminess - his symphonic poem Tintagel.

Bax: Tintagel
Kaija Saariaho: Leino Songs - UK premiere

8.00 Interval Music

Sibelius: Luonnotar
Sibelius: Symphony No.3 in C Major

Anu Komsi (soprano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Sakari Oramo (conductor).